Dad’s New England Fish Chowder

Dad’s New England Fish Chowder

Dad’s New England Fish Chowder

This Fish Chowder is my Dad’s recipe, and the real deal creamy New England version, made simply with cod (or another whitefish), potatoes, and onions, and a base of clam juice, milk, and cream. The key to perfect fish chowder is poaching the fish gently so it perfectly flakes apart. This recipe enhances the flavor by scalding the milk with onion, to infuse the onion flavor throughout, with a wonderful blend of herbs and spices. You’re going to love this easy fish soup recipe!

My dad came to visit last week, and lucky for me, he made his famous fish chowder! I was able to snap some photos and work with him to document his secrets, which I’m sharing with you in this post.

This New England Fish Chowder is the REAL DEAL. Creamy, rich, and quite simple. At its base are just fish, potatoes, and onions. But this fish chowder is made extra delicious with a few secrets:

  1. The addition of choice herbs and spices (bay leaves, thyme, nutmeg, and chives)
  2. Using onion-infused scalded milk (way easier to make than it sounds, I promise)
  3. A simple technique of gently poaching the fish so the flakes stay intact and meaty, meltingly tender, and not overcooked.

...GET THE RECIPE for Dad’s New England Fish Chowder!