WhizRider Is The Car Seat That Fits In Your Pocket!

WhizRider Is The Car Seat That Fits In Your Pocket!

Have you ever traveled with children that need car seats? It is incredibly inconvenient. You either check it before your flight or you drag it through the airport. Then drag it through the airplane to your seat to then set up and get your kid in it. The trouble continues when you arrive at your destination and have to do it all in reverse and then get it in a taxi. These are just a few issues that WhizRider has helped to alleviate.

Two dads created WhizRider. It is the smallest car seat EVER! It can literally fit in your pocket. No joke! I know that this seems like a weird concept, something so small can keep your kids safe. It actually adheres to the U.S. federal regulation standards. As you probably know the U.S. has the highest safety standards in the world. Now one thing to keep in mind with this as that in Connecticut, Kentucky, Mississipi, New Jersey, and Ohio are 5 states that this belt restraint does not adhere to. That is because these states require the car seat to be elevated. Otherwise, it meets all the standards for those states.

Some people live in a busy city and there are taxis and carpooling. They are in and out of vehicles. So it is inconvenient to be carrying around a bulky car seat. Not just that, if it is at night on a busy street it is unsafe. One thing the WhizRider does come with is reflectors for at night! I mean, how neat is that? It is all around safety!

You may be wondering how it works. That is easy. The WhizRider is a harness system. It anchors the seatbelt into the best position for safety. There is an upper clip that holds the shoulder belt away from neck and face preventing injury. Then there are leg loops that prevent the child from sliding out from underneath the lap belt.

WhizRider has two sizes available

  • Small
    • Age: 3 years or older
      Height: 37.5 to 49 inches (95 to 125 cm)
      Weight: 30 to 55 lbs (15 to 25 kg)
      Chest Diameter: 25 inches (64 cm) or smaller
  • Large
    • Age: 6 years or older
      Height: 47 to 57 inches (120 to 145 cm)
      Weight: 47 to 80 lbs (22 to 36 kg)
      Chest Diameter: 30 inches (76 cm) or smaller

Right now, live on Indigogo you can get WhizRider 45% off! I am a sucker for a good deal. The best part is it is a safety feature I think a lot of parents should have. Works great for travel, carpooling, and pickups from school and you don’t have to lug around that inconveniently large car seat! I love those two dad’s Andy and Dani made this! How amazing is that? Just two dudes trying to think of safety and convenience. I am sold on it!

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